Vehicle Licensing (rego)
Pay for your vehicle license in store at Coastal Autos and receive your license label straight away.
Fees are based on your vehicle type, usage, and how long you choose to license.
For the current common licensing fees including petrol and non-petrol driven, taxis, rental, trailers, motorcycles, trucks, van or utility, visit the Waka Kotahi NZ Transport Agency website.
Choose your license period on the reminder notice you received in the mail, or complete an Application to license motor vehicle (MR1B) form. To complete the MR1B form, you’ll need to know your vehicle plate number, year, make and model.
Road User Charges
If your vehicle is over 3500kg, uses diesel or any other fuel that isn’t taxed at the source, or is a light electric vehicle, you’ll need to pay road user charges (RUC).
View a full list of vehicle types, weights and RUC rates on the Waka Kotai website.
When you buy RUC you pre-pay for the distance you’re going to travel, in units of 1000km. Complete a Road user charges distance license application (RUCLA) form and pay the application fee of $13.71. You’ll need to know your vehicle plate number, year, make, model and current odometer/hubodometer reading.
Buying or Selling a Vehicle
Let Waka Kotahi know you’ve sold a vehicle by completing a Selling or disposing of a vehicle? (MR13A) form.
When you purchase a new vehicle, complete a Change of registered person - buyer (MR13B) form.
If you’re an individual, you’ll need your New Zealand driver licence or proof of ID with your full name, signature and date of birth. If you’re an organisation, you’ll need your New Zealand Business Number (NZBN) or your Waka Kotahi customer number.
Find out more about buying and selling a vehicle on the Waka Kotahi website.